Bible study

The parable of the Talents
It is often referred as the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25: 14 – 30) or Parable of the Ten Pounds (Luke 19: 11 – 27). In the time of Jesus, the talent was not […]

Jesus cures an epileptic boy
We can read about this in miracle in the gospel of Mark 9:14-29 similarly we can read it in Mt 17:14–21 and Lk 9:37–43. I want to begin with Mark 9:2-13 and here we read […]

The labourers in the vineyard
After completing a series on the Nature and Development of the Kingdom, we continue the teaching parables, and shall dive into services and rewards parables that Jesus spoke about. He gave us three parables The […]

The Parable of the Growing Seed
Today, I want to reflect on this parable from Mark 4: 26-29. Firstly this is Mark’s only unique parable. The underlying teaching is understanding the Kingdom of God. The question that I ask myself is […]

The Nobleman
Today I want you to reflect with me on the gospel of the nobleman taken from John 4:43-54. (i) Here is a noble man who came to a carpenter. Scriptures uses the Greek word “basilikos” […]

Unique healing of a deaf man
One can read this miracle in Mark 7:31-37 which is only recorded in the gospel of Mark. This story begins by describing what is on the face of it an amazing journey. Jesus was going […]

Jesus cures an epileptic boy
We can read about this in miracle in the gospel of Mark 9:14-29 similarly we can read it in Mt 17:14–21 and Lk 9:37–43. I want to begin with Mark 9:2-13 and here we read […]

The Nobleman
Today I want you to reflect with me on the gospel of the nobleman taken from John 4:43-54. (i) Here is a noble man who came to a carpenter. Scriptures uses the Greek word “basilikos” […]

Unique healing of a deaf man
One can read this miracle in Mark 7:31-37 which is only recorded in the gospel of Mark. This story begins by describing what is on the face of it an amazing journey. Jesus was going […]
Victory over Disease
This miracle is taken from the gospel of Mark 5:21-34 and can also be read in the gospel of Matthew 9:20-22 as well as Luke 8:43-48. The crowd begged Jesus to leave that place (Mark […]
Victory over Demons
This miracle can be read in Mark 5:1-20 and also in Matthew 8:28-34. Whenever I read this miracle of Jesus, I’m a mixed bag of emotions, I’m astonished, happy, frightened at the same time glad. […]
Jesus heals the paralytic at the pool of Bethsaida John 5:1-15
As I reflect on this gospel from John 5:1-16, the first question that comes to mind is why is the gate called sheep gate? It was called the Sheep Gate because it was the entrance […]

The parable of the Talents
It is often referred as the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25: 14 – 30) or Parable of the Ten Pounds (Luke 19: 11 – 27). In the time of Jesus, the talent was not […]

The labourers in the vineyard
After completing a series on the Nature and Development of the Kingdom, we continue the teaching parables, and shall dive into services and rewards parables that Jesus spoke about. He gave us three parables The […]

The Parable of the Growing Seed
Today, I want to reflect on this parable from Mark 4: 26-29. Firstly this is Mark’s only unique parable. The underlying teaching is understanding the Kingdom of God. The question that I ask myself is […]
The Net
Jesus tells another parable about the Net in Matt 13:47-50. The master story teller comes up with another parable which would appeal to the common man especially fisher folks of His time. It was as […]
The Hidden Treasure
This parable is taken from the gospel of Matthew 13:44. Although this parable sounds strange to us, it would sound perfectly natural to people in Palestine in the days of Jesus, and even to this […]
Seeking the pearl of great price
This parable is taken from the gospel of Matthew 13:45 In the ancient world pearls had a very special place in men’s hearts. People desired to possess a lovely pearl, more for its beauty than […]